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Safety is in the hands of the site manager

Every year, Ejendal's visits countless workplaces to help our customers create a safer work environment. We see a clear pattern. The workplaces with a site manager who is committed to creating a safe work environment, and who really has opened their eyes to the problems and risks the work environment entails, are the workplaces that have the best development at LTIFR.


Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) refers to the amount or number of work loss injuries, ie injuries that have occurred in the workplace that have resulted in an employee's inability to work the next full working day. The number of work loss injuries that occurred during a given period is then set in relation to the total number of hours worked during the same period.

The site manager

A committed and safety-conscious site manager ensures that everyone in the workplace understands the purpose of using personal protective equipment. Motivates its employees to use it, follow routines and procedures, but also to participate in continuously developing safety work.

Risk reports

In this way, safety is integrated into daily work and behaviors that support safety are seen as positive. One example is that all employees are aware of potential risks at work and report them. The connection is clear. The more risk reports that are submitted, the more accidents are prevented. Something that is even more important is that this also increases the general safety awareness, ie that the employees think about safety in their work even if it does not lead to a submitted risk report.

The right resources

A company management best supports the safety work by ensuring that supervisors, key personnel and professionals have the conditions needed to have a high level of commitment to the safety work themselves. The practical part of the safety work is best run by those who work in the risky environments, provided that they have been given the right resources.

We help you find the right kind of protection

Half of all incident reports consist of injuries to hands and feet. Many times injuries occur due to the person in question wearing the wrong type of protective glove or safety shoe. No one can demand that a site manager should have insight into all the different types of protection and functions that facilitate the work. This is where we come in.

We help you find the right kind of protection

Half of all incident reports consist of injuries to hands and feet. Many times injuries occur due to the person in question wearing the wrong type of protective glove or safety shoe. No one can demand that a site manager should have insight into all the different types of protection and functions that facilitate the work. This is where we come in.

Two examples of successful safety work

I would like to highlight two examples among our customers who work with LTIFR in an exemplary way.

The first company is ABB, which in its sustainability work not only includes environmental aspects but also LTIFR. But also how many women they have in senior management positions and their employees' level of commitment in the so-called "speak-up" culture that ABB wants to promote.

The other company is Skanska, which follows up the work environment with a model similar to LTIFR, namely LTAR, which stands for Lost Time Accident Rate. LTAR includes the indicators; the number of accidents with absence and serious incidents that could have resulted in death. In 2021, Skanska had an LTAR of 3.2%.

An adequate action plan

Regardless of which model you use to measure the number of occupational injuries at your workplace, it is crucial that you have a model for measuring and following up the occurrence of risks and injuries. When you know your injury frequency, an adequate action plan can be set up to lower your LTIFR or LTAR. A safety action plan, always includes providing your staff with personal protective equipment (PPE).

For more information on how we at Ejendals can help you create a safer work environment, please read about Ejendals Safety Concept or contact one of our sales representatives.

CEO of Ejendals
Anders Carlsson


Anders Carlsson

CEO of Ejendals

Safety Assessment

Our Safety Assessment has been created to help identify potential dangers in your workplace and how to best counter them. It aims to promote a safety-first environment where productivity and employee satisfaction are championed.

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